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🏆 Task: 2500 KEES for 250 random participants.

500 USDT for 50 random participants.

➡️ Airdrop page for KEES

↪️ Join KEES Telegram group & Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow KEES on X and repost this post.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the page.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 26, 2025. Total airdrop pool is 2500 KEES + 500 USDT.

ℹ️ Distribution date: January 30, 2025.

🏆 Task: $7 worth of BUTO for 500 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: $1500 worth of BUTO for top 100 referrers.

➡️ Airdrop bot for BUTO

↪️ Join BUTO Telegram group & Telegram channel.(Required » $1.5 worth of BUTO)
↪️ Follow BUTO on X and repost the pinned post by tagging 3 of your friends. (Required » $1.5 worth of BUTO)
↪️ Follow BUTO on Instagram.(Optional » $1 worth of BUTO)
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » $3 worth of BUTO)
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on February 15, 2025. Total airdrop pool is $5000 worth of BUTO. Top 100 referrers will be rewarded as in this post.

ℹ️ Distribution date: After the TGE.

🏆 Task: 10 USDT for 15 random participants each.

➡️ Airdrop page for NakamotoDEX

↪️ Join NakamotoDEX Telegram group & Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow NakamotoDEX on X, like and repost this post.
↪️ Subscribe to NakamotoDEX Discord channel.
↪️ Visit NakamotoDEX website.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 26, 2025. Total airdrop pool is 150 USDT.

ℹ️ Distribution date: January 26, 2025.

✔️ Audit:Xamer

🏆 Task: $10 worth of UNCO for 1500 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: $5000 worth of UNCO for top 300 referrers.

➡️ Airdrop bot for UNCOMEME

↪️ Join UNCOMEME Telegram group.(Required » $3 worth of UNCO)
↪️ Follow UNCOMEME on X and repost the pinned post by tagging 3 of your friends. (Required » $3 worth of UNCO)
↪️ Follow UNCOMEME on Instagram.(Optional » $1 worth of UNCO)
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » $3 worth of UNCO)
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 25, 2025. Total airdrop pool is $20,000 worth of UNCO. Top 300 referrers will be rewarded as in this post.

ℹ️ Distribution date: January 31, 2025.

🏆 Task: Up to 800 OMG

➡️ Airdrop bot for ToTheMeme

↪️ Register an account on ToTheMeme website and use the code on the "GIFT CODE" section. (500 OMG)
↪️ Complete KYC and join ToTheMeme social media accounts for extra rewards (Optional).

✏️ Notes: Participants will get a new "GIFT CODE" for each task completed. Submit the code on your ToTheMeme account to receive the rewards. Please check the airdrop rules in the bot before claiming your tokens.

ℹ️ Distribution date: Instantly.
💧DEX.ORG @Airdrop💧

🏆 Task: 5% of the total DEX supply » Total airdrop pool.

➡️ Airdrop page for DEX.ORG

↪️ Register an account on DEX.ORG website by creating a wallet to get 10 SOL test funds.
↪️ Trade on DEX.ORG platform with your test funds and profit as much as you can
↪️ Take a screenshot of your DEX.ORG account and send to the comment section of this post for extra 10 USDT (for 10 random participants).

✏️ Notes: Make profit as much as you can by trading with test funds to take place and compete on the leaderboard.

ℹ️ Distribution date: TBA. (USDT rewards will be distributed in 48 hours)

🏆 Task: Unlimited Coins

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: 5000 Coins

➡️ Airdrop bot for IronDoge

↪️ Start the IronDoge App and start Tapping.
↪️ Join IronDoge Telegram group and Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow IronDoge on X.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the app.

✏️ Notes:Total airdrop pool will be announced by the project team after the end of the airdrop. Earn Points by performing the tasks, daily tasks, tapping and referring friends to take place and compete on the leaderboard.

ℹ️ Distribution date: TBA.

🏆 Task: $10 worth of SEE for 500 random participants each.

10 USDT for 500 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: 5000 USDT for top 50 referrers.

➡️ Airdrop page for SEEDEX

↪️ Solve the portal captcha to join SEEDEX Telegram group.
↪️ Follow SEEDEX on X and repost this post.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the page.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes:Airdrop will end on February 5, 2025. Winners will be announced on February 8, 2025. Total airdrop pool is $5000 worth of SEE + 10,000 USDT.

ℹ️ Distribution date: February 10, 2025.

🏆 Task: 5000 OXA for first 500 participants each.

3000 OXA for 200 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: 500,000 OXA for top 3 participants with most points.

➡️ Airdrop page for OXAudit

↪️ Follow OXAudit on X, repost this post and this post.
↪️ Post this on your X account.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes: Total airdrop pool is 10 Million OXA.

ℹ️ Distribution date: January 25, 2025.
💧PWR Chain@Airdrop💧

🏆 Task: 36% of the total PWR supply » Total airdrop pool.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: 100 Points.

➡️ Airdrop bot for PWR Chain

↪️ Start the PWR Chain App and start Playing.
↪️ Join PWR Chain Telegram group.
↪️ Follow PWR Chain on X.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the app.

✏️ Notes:Earn Points by performing the tasks, daily tasks, tapping and referring friends to take place and compete on the leaderboard.

ℹ️ Distribution date: TBA.

🏆 Task: $5000 worth of DEPIN + $5000 worth of CGPT for 500 random participants.

➡️ Airdrop page for DePINed

↪️ Join DePINed Telegram group & Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow DePINed,ChainGPT and ChainGPT Pad on X.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the page.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on February 28, 2025.

ℹ️ Distribution date: Within 3 months after the end of the airdrop.

🏆 Task: 10 USDT for 100 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: $200 worth of BEATS for top 10 referrers each.

➡️ Airdrop bot for Audiera

↪️ Join Audiera Telegram group.(Required » 4 USDT)
↪️ Follow Audiera on X, like, comment and repost the pinned post by tagging 3 of your friends. (Required » 4 USDT)
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » 100,000 MACACO)
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on February 15, 2025. Total airdrop pool is 1000 USDT + $2000 worth of BEATS. You can also join this airdrop for extra rewards.

ℹ️ Distribution date: February 25, 2025.
💧Golden Cat@Airdrop💧

✔️ Audit:SolidProof

🏆 Task:   $20 worth of GCT for 1,000 random participants each.

➡️ Airdrop form for Golden Cat

↪️ Join Golden Cat Telegram group.
↪️ Follow Golden Cat on X and repost the pinned post by tagging 3 of your friends.
↪️ Start Golden Cat bot and play the game.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop form.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 05, 2025.Total airdrop pool is $20,000 worth of GCT.

ℹ️  Distribution date: January 7, 2025.

✔️ Audit:SolidProof

🏆 Task: 6500 BXE for 1000 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: 100,000 BXE for the top 50 referrers each.

➡️ Airdrop bot for Bixplorer

↪️ Join Bixplorer Telegram group & Telegram channel.(Required » 2500 BXE)
↪️ Follow Bixplorer on X and repost the pinned post by tagging 3 of your friends. (Required » 2500 BXE)
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » 1500 BXE)
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 30, 2025. Total airdrop pool is 11.5 Million BXE.

ℹ️ Distribution date: TBA.

✔️ Listed:CoinMarketCap

🏆 Task: 80 QAAGAI for 100 random participants each.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: 2000 QAAGAI for top 10 referrers.

➡️ Airdrop bot for QAAGAI

↪️ Join QAAGAI Telegram group.(Required » 20 QAAGAI)
↪️ Follow QAAGAI on X and repost the pinned post by tagging 3 of your friends. (Required » 20 QAAGAI)
↪️ Participate in QAAGAI Test contest by following the steps of this post. (Required » 30 QAAGAI)
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » 10 QAAGAI)
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 10, 2025. Total airdrop pool is 10,000 QAAGAI. Top 10 referrers will be rewarded as in this post.

ℹ️ Distribution date: January 15, 2025.

✔️ Listed:XT.com

🏆 Task: $1 Million worth of PAY » Total airdrop pool.

➡️ Airdrop bot for 100PAY

↪️ Launch the Contest App PAY bot and start playing the game.
↪️ Join 100PAY Telegram group & Telegram channel and Contest App Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow 100PAY on X, like, repost and comment the pinned post.
↪️ Follow ContestApp on X.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the app.

✏️ Notes:Earn PayTokens by performing the tasks, daily tasks, playing the game and referring friends to take place and compete on the leaderboard.

ℹ️ Distribution: Rewards: Weekly, Wins: Instant Withdrawal, Farmed PAY Tokens: TBA.

🏆 Task: $15 worth of SEECOIN for 10,000 participants each (FCFS)

➡️ Airdrop bot for Seecoin

↪️ Join Seecoin Telegram group & Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow Seecoin on X.
↪️ Subscribe to Seecoin Discord channel.
↪️ Visit Seecoin website.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

✏️ Notes:Total airdrop pool is $150,000 worth of SEECOIN.

ℹ️ Distribution date: After the TGE.

✔️ Audit:BlockSAFU

🏆 Task:            10,2 Million SHINO + 500 USDT » Total airdrop pool.

👨‍👩‍👧 Referral:     10,000 Generations.

➡️ Airdrop bot for DinoShiba

↪️ Start the DinoShiba App and start playing.
↪️ Join DinoShiba Telegram group & Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow DinoShiba on X.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the app.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 4, 2025. Earn Generations by performing the tasks, playing the game and referring friends to take place and compete on the leaderboard. Top players will be rewarded as in this post.

ℹ️ Distribution date: January 5, 2025.

🏆 Task:   $20 worth of BTC for 50 random participants each.

➡️ Airdrop page for EarnBet

↪️ Follow EarnBet on X and repost this post.
↪️ Publish this post on your X account.
↪️ Perform other tasks on the page.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 07, 2025.Total airdrop pool is $1,000 worth of BTC.

ℹ️  Distribution date: TBA.

🏆 Task: 820 WSDM for top 100 participants with most points.

➡️ Airdrop page for Wisdomise

↪️ Join Wisdomise Telegram group & Telegram channel.
↪️ Follow Wisdomise on X and repost this post.
↪️ You can perform other tasks on the page.
↪️ Enter your information to the airdrop page.

✏️ Notes: Airdrop will end on January 15, 2025.Total airdrop pool is 82,000 WSDM.

ℹ️ Distribution date: TBA.
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