Learn Arabic with Khasu

Only classical Arabic (فُصْحَى)
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This is my very first video in Arabic from 2017 when I was about going back to my hometown from Egypt.

That time I thought: how can I save my language in Chechnya where is no arabs to speak with…

My answer was like: I must create a channel on YouTube and start making videos in Arabic for arabs.

The first video was:
“The Muslims of Russia”
أحب رَفْعَ الأثقالِ.
اُحْزُرُوا، كم كيلو هنا؟

بعد شهر سأحاوِلُ مرةً أخرى إن شاء الله

اُحْزُرْ guess

هذه مئة وعشرون كيلوجرام.
I can’t believe I can speak Arabic after this video…..

That is pretty funny 😅
I named my second son Zayd because all examples in Arabic grammar books are with Zayd, so I wish he will enjoy studying them.

But unfortunately all examples in our home are:

ضرب محمد زيدا 🤕

Now he is 4 years young Arabic speaker, so when my haters write in youtube comments: “no one speaks Fusha in daily life” I respond by “at least I know one who speaks”. 😅

الحمد لله. بارك الله فيهم وفي جميع أطفال المسلمين.
Gaza! 1 year of genocide!
Nothing changed!

اللهم اشف مرضاهم وارحم مواتهم وانصرهم يا الله واغفر لنا تقصيرنا. يا رب!

“I am not teaching Arabic to live, I am living to teach Arabic” (c) This is what I feel sometimes. ♥️

عاشَ يَعِيشُ to live
I look more like a security guard here than a translator😂

security guard حارِس شَخْصِيّ
translator مُتَرْجِمٌ
Today I was asked to translate for the ambassadors of Arab countries in an international educational forum in Chechnya. I feel different feelings. It’s first time I work as a translator.

This is Saudi ambassador.
Have you ever said Good morning instead of Good evening? If so, here is a way out of this awkward situation.

Who can translate?
What’s the most beautiful words/sayings that you have read in Arabic? Or not the most beautiful, but words you like.

Please share them with us, with English translation.
Arabic / English Speaking Groups

Arabic | Men

English | Men

Arabic | Women

English | Women
Epic lesson https://youtu.be/vEfd47I7R68?si=4bifNDDSM0ZUsEJj
This is fake!!! AI 🤖 I don’t know what can I do to stop them using my face.
The experiment on raising bilinguals continues. Here's a random dialogue in the car.

I'm making a lot of observations, there are actually quite difficult stages ahead, since the language is not yet fully developed and it can roll back at any moment, and add to this the fact that they are now taught Russian in kindergarten, then the challenge is very serious.

Be that as it may, this is a rather interesting experiment, because I am the only person in their life who teaches them Arabic. I ask Allah taufiq.

The participants of the dialogue are 4 and 5 years old.

Perhaps one day I will start a channel about teaching kids Arabic, but for now just listen.
New word https://youtube.com/shorts/htAxUn_EXMM
I just made this new picture for my own book that I have been working on for last 6 years. The lesson is about colors and numbers.

How many questions you can ask around this picture? Any questions!

I will start:

كمْ قَلَمًا على الطاولة؟
Just saw how my 5 years son was making dua and saying in Arabic:

الله! أحبك! الله أعطِني سيارات كثيرة، أحبك يا الله، اشترِ لي سيارات كثيرة.

Allah, I love you, Allah give me a lot of cars, I love you, buy me a lot of cars.
Yes, by mercy of Allah I could teach my kids to speak Arabic as a second language since they was 2-3 years old, so they talk to me usually in Arabic. How I did it? Just as we teach them our mother tongue, by speaking. There is not any secret.

I ask Allah to make our children good Muslims.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KPLfeHCJak&t=1s
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