Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends

A Path to a Healthy Body and Soul

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"I am always the man that sows calm and peace on this earth and who will reap it as well." Bruno Groening

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A couple of verses from a beautiful poem "The Butterfly".
There is a higher power that is the basis of all living things and it can heal! Bruno Groening called it life force, healing power, 'Heilstrom' or the divine po#lightwer.

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A couple of verses from the beautiful poem "The Butterfly."
There is a higher power that is the basis of all living things and it can heal! Bruno Groening called it life force, healing power, 'Heilstrom' or the divine power.

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A verse from a beautiful poem "Serving God". There is a higher power that is the basis of all living things and it can heal! Bruno Groening called it life force, healing power, 'Heilstrom' or the divine power.
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Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path through the Teaching of Bruno Gröning. A simple, natural way to health. Info at
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The verse of a beautiful poem "Secure in God".

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