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Exynos 7904 Development
Welcome to official Exynos7904 development and support group! Rules: 1. Respect all members 2. Dont Flood with messages 3. Respect THE Admin 4. ETA = BAN 5. No PIRACY 6. All languages allowed but English appreciated 7. No Porn stuff @Exynos7904channel

Pixelify GPhotos
Group rules: 1. Mild OT allowed as long as you are civil. 2. Hurt speech / flame speech = BAN. 3. English only 4. Any topic not related to “Pixelify GPhotos” will be warned, including how to install Magisk

Avive World-Discussion Group
This is the official group of Avive. Discussion Allowed. No ADs & Codes. Twitter https://twitter.com/Avive_World Website http://www.avive.world/ WhitePaper https://whitepaper.avive.world/