Alexander Dugin

International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.

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🇺🇸 On the political Richter scale, that was a killer – literally. What was supposed to be a Liberal Totalitarian Show was brutally, unceremoniously, swept out of the park – any park. Even before Election Day, critical thinking was aware of the stakes. With fraud, Kamala wins. With no fraud, Trump wins. There were, at best, (failed) attempts at fraud. The key question still remains: what does the U.S. Deep State really want?

My inbox is infested with loads of weepy reports from U.S. Think Tankland wondering, in disbelief, why Kamala could possibly lose. It’s quite straightforward – apart from her sheer incompetence cum utter mediocrity literally cackling out loud.

The legacy of the administration she was part of is ghastly – all the way from Crash Test Dummy to Little Butcher Blinkie.

💬Read more by Pepe Escobar

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Why Trump’s victory maybe good for the rise of a multipolar world — Atul Aneja
Тръмп се завръща в Белия дом. Дугин съветва да не се самозалъгвате: „Тепърва ще трябва...”

Доналд Тръмп печели изборите и се завръща в Белия дом. Философът, политолог, директор на института „Царград” Александър Дугин съветва да не се заблуждавате: „Тепърва ще трябва...”.

Victoire de Donald Trump. La réaction d'Alexandre Douguine.
Fenómenos políticos postelectorales en Estados Unidos
Por Aleksandr Duguin

En Estados Unidos, hay tres fenómenos políticos completamente inesperados que ahora comenzarán a manifestarse:
1. J.D. Vance, vicepresidente de Estados Unidos, dijo que se acerca la era de la derecha posliberal. Esto es exactamente lo que necesitan. Ninguna alianza entre la derecha y los liberales. Solo valores tradicionales.
2. Uno de los ideólogos del trumpismo, Curtis Yarvin, dice que ha llegado el momento de establecer una monarquía en Estados Unidos. Si los republicanos obtienen la mayoría en ambas cámaras, ¿qué los detendrá?
3. Recientemente se creó el Partido Comunista de Estados Unidos, que apoya a Trump (!), basado en las ideas de Gramsci, Foucault, Heidegger e Ivan Ilyin. Esto es algo completamente nuevo.

Todas estas maravillosas ideas están pasando de ser una tontería quimérica a convertirse en realidad ante nuestros ojos. ¿Pero no son la política de género y el poshumanismo, y toda la filosofía de la posmodernidad, la tontería más salvaje y descarada? Entonces el terreno ya está preparado. No solo los demócratas tienen derecho a tener fantasías.

Editorial de Nuestra América.

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Geopolitics played a central role in the US’ latest presidential election. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris weren’t just competing against the other’s envisaged socio-economic organization of the country, but also their respective worldviews. The world is on the brink of another major war between Great Powers as the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine and the back-and-forth Israeli-Iranian strikes push everyone closer to the edge of all-out conflict. Tensions also continue rising between the US and China.

✍️ Katehon @KatehonEN

🌐The Geopolitics Of Trump’s Victory

Oggi Trump ha l'opportunità unica di attuare il “Piano B”, che è legato a un giusto ordine mondiale multipolare. Ecco perché la recente e trionfale ospitalità del vertice dei BRICS a Kazan non è stata solo un magnifico gesto, ma un'efficace interferenza nelle elezioni americane. A Trump è stata data carta bianca dal Deep State per tentare una strategia diversa per preservare la leadership americana nel mondo, che non preveda un confronto diretto con il mondo multipolare.
(di Aleksandr Dugin)

I was on Italian TV to talk about the Italian edition of my book Esoteric Trumpism (starts at 36:20).
#特朗普正式宣布获胜##美国大选# 美国的“深层国家”这次似乎决定听取特朗普的声音,接受他所代表的路线。这条路线是什么?就是把自由全球化和民主帝国主义的进程从第五档降到空档。美国在过去100年里,经过几次小的间断,一直走的是民主帝国主义的道路,这条路最早在第一次世界大战后由伍德罗·威尔逊提出的14点计划中定义。这个政策的核心是:美国的使命是将自由民主推广到全球,这一任务高于国家利益。在这条道路上,美国确实取得了巨大的成功,并在20世纪90年代成为唯一的超级大国,主导了单极世界。



Jackson Hinkle breaks down how Donald Trump can achieve his stated goals of STOPPING THE WARS, DRAINING THE SWAMP, and FREEING AMERICA (Hint: the plan involves tiny prison cells).
Alexander Dugin pinned a photo
Trump’s Victory: A Global Conservative Revolution

Alexander Dugin argues that Donald Trump’s presidential victory marks a seismic shift in the global order, signaling a conservative revolution that challenges liberal globalism, deprioritizes the conflict in Ukraine, and promotes a multipolar world.

Read the essay here:
Villalba di Guidonia. Roma
The State, according to Hegel, is based on overcoming of civil society. The civil society doesn’t follow the State it precedes the State. Maybe it is high time to US to start to build the State. According to Hegel once more the State means monarchy.
Neither democracy, nor oligarchy. American monarchy. That sounds weird and unusual. But really new. If the history is open once more and instead of its end the end of Fukuyama has arrived why not to try? If it will not work it always can be abandoned.
Our time is once more Hegel time.
🔴📢 We would like to invite you to attend and participate in a special Twitter Space to commemorate the 40th day of the martyrdom of our most holy martyr, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, titled:

*The Region's Political Inflection Points*

With our guests:
- Professor Alexander Dugin
- Alastair Crooke
- Larry Johnson

🎙️Co-host: Dr. Zeinab Al Saffar

🗓️Wednesday, November 6, 2024
7:30 PM (Beirut Time)

We look forward to your presence and participation

🔗 Space's link:

Kindly reshare this invitation on your socials 🌹

"अमेरिकामा, तीनवटा पूर्ण अप्रत्याशित राजनीतिक घटनाहरू देखा पर्न थालेका छन्:
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाका उपराष्ट्रपति जे.डी. भेन्सले घोषणा गरेका छन् कि एक उत्तर-उदारवादी  दक्षिणपन्थी युग आउँदैछ। यो नै आवश्यक हो।  दक्षिणपन्थी र उदारवादीहरू बीच कुनै गठबन्धन छैन  — केवल छन त परम्परागत मूल्यहरू।

ट्रम्पवादका एक सिद्धान्तकार, कर्टिस यार्भिनले घोषणा गरेका छन् कि अमेरिकामा राजतन्त्र स्थापना गर्ने समय आएको छ। यदि रिपब्लिकनहरूले दुबै सदनमा बहुमत पाए भने, केले तिनलाई रोक्न सक्छ?

हालसालै, अमेरिकी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी स्थापना भएको  छ। यो ट्रम्पलाई समर्थन गर्दछ (!),  ग्राम्सी, फुको, हाइडेगर, र इभान इलिनका विचारहरूसँग प्रेरित छ। यो पूर्ण रूपमा नयाँ कुरा हो।

यी सबै उल्लेखनीय विचारहरू हाम्रो आँखा अगाडि मूर्खताबाट वास्तविकतामा परिणत हुँदैछन्। तर, के लिङ्ग राजनीति, उत्तर-मानवतावाद, र सम्पूर्ण उत्तर-आधुनिकतावादी  दर्शन पनि एक चरम र निर्लज्ज मूर्खता होइन? अन्ततः आधार तयार गरि सकिएको छ। डेमोक्र्याटहरूले मात्र कल्पना गर्ने अधिकार पाएका छैनन्।"

✍️अलेक्जेन्डर दुगिन, ६ नोभेम्बर २०२४
"In the United States, three completely unexpected political phenomena are beginning to emerge:

J. D. Vance, the Vice President of the United States, has announced that a post-liberal right-wing era is coming. This is exactly what's needed: no alliance between the right and liberals — only traditional values.

One of the ideologues of Trumpism, Curtis Yarvin, has declared that it's time to establish a monarchy in the United States. If Republicans gain a majority in both houses, what could stop them?

Recently, the American Communist Party was founded. It supports Trump (!), drawing on the ideas of Gramsci, Foucault, Heidegger, and Ivan Ilyin. This is something entirely new.

All these remarkable ideas are transforming from absurdity into reality before our eyes. But isn't gender politics, post-humanism, and the whole philosophy of postmodernism also an extreme and shameless absurdity? The groundwork has been laid, after all. Democrats aren't the only ones who have the right to fantasize."

Alexander Dugin, 6 November 2024
So we have won. That is decisive. The world will be never ever like before. Globalists have lost their final combat. The future is finally open. I am really happy.

What is more important: traditional values have won over non-traditional and anti-traditional ones.
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