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Speaking club 16.01.2021
Topic:Love and marriage
Organizers:Tumaris,Ayzada and Maftuna
2021 йил мамлакатимизда Ёшларни қўллаб-қувватлаш ва аҳоли саломатлигини мустаҳкамлаш йили деб эълон қилинди

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🌲🎁🎁🤶MERRY CHRISTMAS 🌲🎁🎁🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Today is a christmas day.So how is it celebrated ?

In the UK (or Great Britain), families often celebrate Christmas together, so they can watch each other open their presents!

Most families have a Christmas Tree (or maybe even two!) in their house for Christmas. The decorating of the tree is usually a family occasion, with everyone helping. Christmas Trees were first popularised the UK by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria. Prince Albert was German, and thought that it would be good to use one of his ways of celebrating Christmas in England.

Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe are also sometimes used to decorate homes or other buildings.

Most villages, towns and cities are decorated with Christmas lights over Christmas. Often a famous person switches them on. The most famous Christmas lights in the UK are in Oxford Street in London. Every year they get bigger and better. Thousands of people go to watch the big 'switch on' around the beginning of November.

Like a lot of countries, Nativity Plays and Carol Services are also very popular at Christmas time. The Church has a Carols by Candlelight Service where the church is only lit up by candles. It is a very special service and always makes one feel very Christmassy! Lots of other British churches also have Carols by Candlelight and Christingle services.

Children believe that Father Christmas or Santa Claus leaves presents in stockings or pillow-cases. These are normally hung up by the fire or by the children's beds on Christmas Eve. Children sometimes leave out mince pies and brandy for Father Christmas to eat and drink when he visits them. Now, it's often a non-alcoholic drink that's left because Santa has to drive his sleigh.

Children write letters to Father Christmas/Santa listing their requests, but sometimes instead of putting them in the post, the letters are tossed into the fireplace. The draught carries the letters up the chimney and Father Christmas/Santa reads the smoke.

There are some customs that only take place, or were started, in the UK. Wassailing is an old anglo-saxon custom that doesn't take place much today. Boxing Day is a very old custom that started in the UK and is now taken as a holiday in many countries around the world.

In the UK, the main Christmas Meal is usually eaten at lunchtime or early afternoon on Christmas Day. It's normally roast turkey, roast vegetables and 'all the trimmings' which means vegetables like carrots & peas, stuffing and sometimes bacon and sausages. It's often served with cranberry sauce and bread sauce. Traditionally, and before turkey was available, roast beef or goose was the main Christmas meal. One vegetable that is often at Christmas in the UK are brussel sprouts. Dessert is often Christmas Pudding. Mince pies and lots of chocolates are often eaten as well!

Trifle is also a popular dessert at Christmas. It's made in a large bowl and consists of a layer of sponge cake (or sponge fingers) at the bottom of the bowl (which is often soaked in sherry or brandy) then there's a layer of fruit (normally suspended in a fruit flavored jelly) and it's topped with a layer of custard and then whipped cream. In Scotland there's a variation called 'Tipsy Laird' which uses whiskey to soak the sponge and the fruit are raspberries.

The dinner table is decorated with a Christmas Cracker for each person and sometimes flowers and candles.

The UK is also famous for Christmas Cake - some people love it and some people really don't like it! It's traditionally a rich fruit cake covered with marzipan and icing - and often top with Christmas themed cake decorations like a spring of holly.

In North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire (in the north of England), some very special carol singing, called 'The Sheffield Carols', happens in some pubs during the weeks leading up to Christmas (the traditional day for sorting the carol singing is Armistice Sunday near the middle of November). The pubs are often rural and out on the hills in that part of England.

🇬🇧English Films
2/24. Animal rights

Arguments for Animal testing

Animals are used in important scientific research/
It is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs/
Animal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledge/ Many important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals/
Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience/
Testing for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countries/

Arguments against Animal Testing

The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused/
There are alternative methods of research/
The lives of animals should be respected/
Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals/

Arguments for Vegetarianism

Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals/
Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons/
A healthy diet is possible without eating meat/
It is unnecessary to kill animal for food/
A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer/
Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms/

Arguments against Vegetarianism

Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet/
In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals/
Meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain/
It is completely natural for us to kill them for food/
Our aim should be improve farming methods/
Farms should produce organic food/

Positives of Zoos

Zoos play an important role in wildlife conservation/
They can help to protect endangered species/
Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior/
Zoos are educational, interesting and fun/
Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals/
Zoos provide job opportunities.

Negatives of Zoos

Zoo animals are kept in artificial environments/
They are kept in cages or have limited space/
Zoo animals rely on humans/
They lose the freedom to hunt for food/
They best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats/
Some people believe that zoos are unethical/
Zoos exhibits animals with the aim of making money/
We have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit.

Очень интересные английские слова

Arty-farty — претенциозный
Boogie-woogie — буги-вуги
Chick-flick — фильм о женщинах
Chock-a-block — битком набитый
Eency-weency (incy-wincy) — крошечный
Fuddy-duddy — человек с отсталыми взглядами; консерватор
Fuzzy-wuzzy — sl. кудрявый
Hanky-panky — мошенничество, обман, проделки; распущенность, безнравственность, флирт
Harum-scarum — безрассудный, легкомысленный
Heebie-jeebies — мурашки по коже; мандраж
Helter-skelter — неразбериха, суматоха; как попало, кое-как
Higgledy-piggledy — как придётся, в беспорядке, кое-как
Hob-nob дружеская — беседа, разговор по душам
Hocus-pocus — фокус-покус
Hodge-podge — мешанина, всякая всячина
Hoity-toity — задаваться: Oh hoity-toity, are we? — Ну конечно, где уж нам!
Hokey-pokey — фокус-покус; мошенничество
Hubble-bubble — бульканье, журчанье; шум, гам; гул
Hugger-mugger — беспорядок, неразбериха
Hurly-burly — волнение, переполох
Itsy-bitsy/itty-bitty — крошечный
Jeepers-creepers — черт возьми!
Lardy-dardy — фифа
Lovey-dovey — влюблённый, томящийся от любви
Mumbo-jumbo — бессмысленное бормотание, бессмысленный текст
Namby-pamby — сентиментальный; жеманный
Nitty-gritty — практически важный; будничный, но жизненно необходимый
Okey-dokey — OK
Pell-mell — беспорядочно, как придётся; очертя голову
Raggle-taggle — плохо организованный; разнородный, разношёрстный
Razzle-dazzle — кутёж; мошенничество; броская реклама
Shilly-shally — нерешительно, неуверенно
Teenie-weenie — крохотный, крошечный, малюсенький
Topsy-turvy — вверх дном, шиворот-навыворот
Walkie-talkie — "воки-токи", переносная рация
Willy-nilly — волей-неволей

Английский язык

🏢Karakalpak State University🏢


Project which was founded to create English speaking atmosphere among university and make your studenthood more interesting😊!

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​​Learn English with songs
🎤 Maher Zain - For the rest of my Life

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You've found your home it's here with me, and I'm here with you 
Now let me let you know
You've opened my heart 
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there's a couple of words I want to say

For the rest of my life, I'll be with you
I'll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I'll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights 
I'll thank Allah for opening my eyes 
Now and forever I, I'll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart 

I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You're my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we're together in Jannah
Finally now I've found my self, I feel so strong 
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there's a couple of words I want to say


And now that you're here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I'll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally

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