Sri Sringeri Mutt Devotees

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Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 18,2019
Episode 21

Source: fromThe book Glory of the Guru
Compiled by Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Salem

How Sri Mahasannidanam's Mantra helped to get a Visa

An ardent devotee of HH Sri Sri Bharathi Theertha Mahasannidanam was working in a technology firm. In 2010, his company applied for H1B visa for working in the States. For some reason it was rejected. This devotee was very upset that he missed the opportunity. The company's normal procedure was to initiate the visa process only once and now with this outcome he was very concerned about his future. At that point he thought of our Sadguru and started to chant" Sri Guro Pahimam...". To the devotee's delight, his employer initiated the visa process for him within the next three months!! Since then the Sri Guru Mantra became his daily prayer!!

"Sri Guro Pahimam
Paramadayalo Pahimam
Sringeri Jagadguru Pahimam
Sri Bharathi Theertha Pahimam
Sri Vidhusekhara Bharathi Pahimam"

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 17, 2019
Episode 20

Source: From the book Multifaceted of a Jeevan Mukta

“An ardent devotee of HH Jagadguru Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidanam, when he as a student, was fortunate to be under the tutelage of the great scholar, Sri Neelakanta Sastry of Trivandrum. Sastry and this devotee visited Sringeri during the annual Gaṇapati-vākyārtha-sadas. Once, after the night Candramaulīśvara-pūjā, His Holiness Jyeshta Mahasannidanam summoned Sastry for a discussion. By the time both left, it was past 11 p.m. While they were approaching the river, His Holiness’s attendant came running and caught up with them. He had in his hand something wrapped in a towel. To the devotees pleasant surprise, he handed them about twenty ripe fruits and said, ‘As it is already late, the kitchen
may not be open. Hence, His Holiness has sent these for you.’ Indeed, by the
time they reached the bhojanaśālā (dining hall) on the other shore, it was locked.
Subsequently, when they had His Holiness’s darśana, He said, ‘It is better that you have your dinner and then come for the pūjā. People serving dinner have to clean the kitchen after everyone eats and only then leave for the day. If you go late for dinner, it would delay them further. Further, since they should report for duty as usual, early in the morning, their reaching their home late at night would put them to much inconvenience. Leave all the vratas (austerities) to me.’ these devotees were touched by His Holiness’s thoughtfulness and compassion in sending them the fruits at that late hour, lest they go hungry at night. Moreover, it was a lesson in being considerate to all that
His Holiness taught in so gentle a manner.”

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!
December 15,2019
Episode 18

Source: From the book Multifaceted of a Jeevan Mukta

His Holiness Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidanam was camping in Vathirairuppu (in Tamil Nadu)
in October, 1957. After pūjā, HHretired for the night to His room there. After some time, He abruptly got up and quietly walked out of the residence.
Except for a few street lamps that were flickering, it was pitch dark everywhere. The Chaturagiri hill was at a distance and the Mahalingaswami Temple was on its summit. His attention was drawn to it. HH closed His
eyes in contemplation, and after some time, started to head back to the camp. In the meantime, some disciples and townsfolk had woken up and, perplexed, approached His Holiness. His Holiness asked, “There is a temple on top of the hill. What temple is that?” Some replied, “That is the Mahalinga Temple.” His Holiness declared, “I am going there tomorrow morning. Make preparations without delay.” Thenext day, He proceeded by car to a small town at thebase of the hill and from there ascended the hill by foot. HH walked briskly. The others were unable to keep pace with Him and lagged far behind. His Holiness reached the top ofthe hill around 12:30 p.m. There was not even a trace of strain or fatigue on His face. He went to the Sundara-mahalinga Temple and then that of the Goddess. It was around 5:00 p.m. by the time His afternoon routine was completed. He then decided to visit another shrine on the hill, that of Candana-mahāliṅga. His Holiness permitted only Sundaram, a man who lived on the hill and knew every portion of it, to accompany Him. His
Holiness proceeded in silence, leading. He had darśana of Candana-mahāliṅga. Telling Sundaram to wait, HHheaded for another peak. He crossed some rough pathsand proceeded swiftly as if He was most familiar withthe place. Sundaram was stunned to see the speed with which His Holiness was navigating the dense path and proceeding so comfortably to a part of the hill rarely visited by anyone. He had never before seen a stranger walk at such a great pace on the hill he knew so well. When it was past six o’clock but there was no sign of His Holiness, Sundaram climbed up a huge tree nearby.
From his position at the top of the tree, He spotted His Holiness seated in a clearing on the hill. In front of His Holiness was a person in ochre robes, with matted hair tied in a knot. His Holiness appeared to be conversing with him. Sundaram thought he was hallucinating, for His Holiness had gone there alone and he had never seen that person before. Inexplicably experiencing haziness of vision and tiredness, he descended,
rested for a while and returned to where He was supposed to wait. In a short while, His Holiness returned to where Sundaram was waiting. His Holiness did not stop but continued to walk. He went to the Candana-mahāliṅga’s shrine and descended down the mountain. Sundaram quietly followed His Holiness. Subsequently, His Holiness returned to Vathirairuppu. Sundaram did not breathe a word of what had transpired that evening to anyone. However, later, when a saṁnyāsin known to him visited Chaturagiri,
he told him all that had transpired. The saṁnyāsin was amazed and exclaimed that the person His Holiness conversed with that day was a great siddha-puruṣa, unavailable to others.

These details were culled from two articles
that appeared in the fortnightly Tamil magazine,
Shakti Vikatan, in the issues dated 20th February, 2008
and 7th March, 2008. These two articles were written by Kudanthai Shyama and were a part of a series titled
Chaturagiri Yattirai (Pilgrimage to Chaturagiri).}
A devotee, a native of Vathirairuppu recently recalled that his father had told him, “His Holiness wished to meditate in solitude in the Chaturagiri hill for few days. The devotees of the town had a tough time dissuading Him from doing so as they were afraid of His safety; the hill was home to wild beasts.”

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 16, 2019
Episode 19

Source: From the book Multifaceted of a Jeevan Mukta

His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidanam frequently made enquiries about the welfare of the staff and did whatever was possible for their well-being. For instance, His Holiness once questioned the khiledār, Sitarama Bhatta, regarding his health. Sitarama Bhatta mentioned that he
experienced abdominal pain and indigestion. After suitable questioning, His Holiness felt that the likely cause was gastric ulcer and had him examined by a competent doctor.
The doctor confirmed that Sitarama Bhatta had gastric ulcer and prescribed medication for it and some dietary restrictions. His Holiness Jyeshta Mahasannidanam made the necessary arrangements and also ordered that a glass of milk be supplied to Sitarama Bhatta every morning till
his ulcer abated. Years later, when an ardent devotee interviewed him, Sitarama Bhatta recalled, with gratitude, that His Holiness’s act of kindness had resulted in his suffering ending and
his health being restored.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 14,2019
Episode 17

Source:From the book Multifaceted of a Jeevan Mukta

Once a devotee had a 32 feet tall statue of Lord Āñjaneya sculpted for installation at a temple in Nanganallur in Chennai.

In 1989, he went to Sringeri and requested His Holiness Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidanam for His blessings for the proposed consecration of the idol. His Holiness was very pleased with the efforts and blessed him. HH then asked, ‘Where do you intend to position the statue?’ the devotee replied, ‘In front of the statue of Lord Rāma.’ His Holiness remarked, ‘In front of Lord Rāma, is it?
The devotee gathered that Āñjaneya’s hands are folded in reverence but His tail is raised above His head. HH asked "When standing in front of Rama, would not Āñjaneya have stood with His tail somewhat lowered? If His tail is to be curled upwards, with its end above His head, why not place Him beside Lord Rama?’ ‘It is impossible to place Lord Āñjaneya’s statue there, because there is no space for this in the sanctum
sanctorum,’ the devotee responded. His Holiness did not say anything. The other committee members
and this person discussed the matter and decided,
'His Holiness did not say anything when they reported the lack of space. Hence, they decided to go ahead as planned. As the date of the kumbhābhiṣeka has been decided upon and there is not much time left, it would be very difficult to make any changes now.’
“It so happened that when the idol of Śrī Āñjaneya was being brought to the temple site,
a monkey suddenly jumped in front of the truck! To avoid collision with the monkey, the driver slammed the brakes. A distressing consequence happened that the tail of Āñjaneya’s statue broke at some distance from its end. The devotee and the committee members were in a quandary. They decided to get a sculptor
to modify the remaining portion of the tail and go ahead with
the kumbhābhiṣeka as planned. With the modification,
Āñjaneya’s tail was no more above His head. They realized
that what His Holiness had had in mind automatically
came to pass in a way that was totally unexpected
by the devotee and others.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!
December 15,2019
Episode 18

Source: From the book Multifaceted of a Jeevan Mukta

His Holiness Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidanam was camping in Vathirairuppu (in Tamil Nadu)
in October, 1957. After pūjā, HHretired for the night to His room there. After some time, He abruptly got up and quietly walked out of the residence.
Except for a few street lamps that were flickering, it was pitch dark everywhere. The Chaturagiri hill was at a distance and the Mahalingaswami Temple was on its summit. His attention was drawn to it. HH closed His
eyes in contemplation, and after some time, started to head back to the camp. In the meantime, some disciples and townsfolk had woken up and, perplexed, approached His Holiness. His Holiness asked, “There is a temple on top of the hill. What temple is that?” Some replied, “That is the Mahalinga Temple.” His Holiness declared, “I am going there tomorrow morning. Make preparations without delay.” Thenext day, He proceeded by car to a small town at thebase of the hill and from there ascended the hill by foot. HH walked briskly. The others were unable to keep pace with Him and lagged far behind. His Holiness reached the top ofthe hill around 12:30 p.m. There was not even a trace of strain or fatigue on His face. He went to the Sundara-mahalinga Temple and then that of the Goddess. It was around 5:00 p.m. by the time His afternoon routine was completed. He then decided to visit another shrine on the hill, that of Candana-mahāliṅga. His Holiness permitted only Sundaram, a man who lived on the hill and knew every portion of it, to accompany Him. His
Holiness proceeded in silence, leading. He had darśana of Candana-mahāliṅga. Telling Sundaram to wait, HHheaded for another peak. He crossed some rough pathsand proceeded swiftly as if He was most familiar withthe place. Sundaram was stunned to see the speed with which His Holiness was navigating the dense path and proceeding so comfortably to a part of the hill rarely visited by anyone. He had never before seen a stranger walk at such a great pace on the hill he knew so well. When it was past six o’clock but there was no sign of His Holiness, Sundaram climbed up a huge tree nearby.
From his position at the top of the tree, He spotted His Holiness seated in a clearing on the hill. In front of His Holiness was a person in ochre robes, with matted hair tied in a knot. His Holiness appeared to be conversing with him. Sundaram thought he was hallucinating, for His Holiness had gone there alone and he had never seen that person before. Inexplicably experiencing haziness of vision and tiredness, he descended,
rested for a while and returned to where He was supposed to wait. In a short while, His Holiness returned to where Sundaram was waiting. His Holiness did not stop but continued to walk. He went to the Candana-mahāliṅga’s shrine and descended down the mountain. Sundaram quietly followed His Holiness. Subsequently, His Holiness returned to Vathirairuppu. Sundaram did not breathe a word of what had transpired that evening to anyone. However, later, when a saṁnyāsin known to him visited Chaturagiri,
he told him all that had transpired. The saṁnyāsin was amazed and exclaimed that the person His Holiness conversed with that day was a great siddha-puruṣa, unavailable to others.

These details were culled from two articles
that appeared in the fortnightly Tamil magazine,
Shakti Vikatan, in the issues dated 20th February, 2008
and 7th March, 2008. These two articles were written by Kudanthai Shyama and were a part of a series titled
Chaturagiri Yattirai (Pilgrimage to Chaturagiri).}
A devotee, a native of Vathirairuppu recently recalled that his father had told him, “His Holiness wished to meditate in solitude in the Chaturagiri hill for few days. The devotees of the town had a tough time dissuading Him from doing so as they were afraid of His safety; the hill was home to wild beasts.”

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!
December 13, 2019
Episode 16

Source: From the book Glory of the Guru

Compiled by Smt. Vijayalakshmi,Salem

The Scholar who enlightened

HH Sri Sri Mahasannidanam compiled the 108 Namavalis of Jagadguru Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidanam within 10 days of Mahaswamigal attaining Siddhi. This compilation of divine names was sent to all the devotees of Sringeri Mutt.
A devoted family of Sringeri Mutt blessed with Jyeshta Mahasannidanam's Padukas at home and they do pooja every Thursday by offering flowers while reciting the Namavalis of Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi Mahaswamigal. After receiving the new compilation, the family began worshipping the Padukas reciting the same. While reciting the Ashtotaram, the devotee had a doubt. How did the "sa" syllable come up in the midst of "a" series of syllables, that is, how did the n, " sannutesa padambhujaya namah" appear in the middle of other names starting with "Advaitavidyarasikaya namah" while praying to Acharyal each day. This lady devotee included this doubt in her prayers, wishing to receive clarification from HH. Months passed by, one Thursday, her Husband was offering Agarbatti after pooja, the explanation suddenly occurred to her! At the same time, the telephone rang, as a sign of confirmation of the validity of the explanation. The call was from her Son, who was in UK. She felt very happy and shared this with him. He had written an examination the previous day. When she asked her son how he performed in the exam he replied, "Gurunnyastavharaya namah". This divine name appears in the compilation of divine names of Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi Mahaswamigal which means, "I have cast the burden on Guru".
It was a joyous experience. The explanation that occurred to the devotee was this: the first divine name started with "Advaitavidyarasikaya namah" and the last divine name in "A" series was "Agnanadvanta Marthandaya Namah", that is, because He relishes the knowledge of non-dualism, He is verily the Sun dispelling ignorance of His disciples. These two divine names represent the sum and substance of the entire compilation. Rests of the divine names are mere elaboration and elucidation of the same concept.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 12,2019
Episode 15

Source: Glory of the Guru, compiled by Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Salem.

A devoted couple of Sringeri Mutt was blessed with a girl child in 2005. At that time due to some complications the new born baby was bluish black in colour. After a series of tests and scans, the doctors suspected that the child may be differently abled both mentally and physically. The parents had no alternative but to surrender to Acharyal and started chanting Sri Guro Pahimam, and dedicated themselves at the Lotus feet of His Holiness.

Soon all the tests came out negative and the child started showing positive signs of improvement. The couple along with their child went for Acharyal's dharshan and explained the health issues that the child was going through. The girl child was not even able to stand on her own and had drooping eyelids. Sri Sri Mahasannidanam after listening to the issues, consoled them and blessed the child with a Raksha! And further blessed that the child will be a witness of God's special Anugraham. Indeed HH's words came true and the child is now a brilliant student at school and stands first in all the activities!!

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 11, 2019
Episode 14

A devotee was blessed with Sri Mahasannidhanam's dharshan during a chaturmasyam.

His paternal uncle and aunt were deeply devoted to our Acharyals and both were given upadesam by Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Jyeshta Mahasannidhanam.
It was a wish of this couple that he too should get initiated by our Mahasannidhanam.

Subsequently the devotee along with his uncle and his elder brother placed this wish at the Lotus Feet of Acharyal seeking to bless both the brothers with mantropadesam.
Acharyal being the incarnation of Lord Paramasiva blessed them in His usual style and stated that He would do so when the time comes.

Years went rolling by and soon the devotee had the blessings of another great Tapasvi who was also a great Sishya of Sri Sri Jyeshta Mahasannidhanam. He asked this devotee to keep chanting the sacred Gayatri Mantra throughout the day and he sincerely started doing it.

During 2012 Vijaya Yatra, Mahasannidhanam asked him to come to Sringeri and He shall bless him during navaratri.

Soon after, he had a dream of Sri Hanuman, (his ishta devatha) sitting in the Simhasanam of Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam during navaratri utsavam and lord Hanuman ushered the devotee near Him and gave a mantra upadesam in his ear.
Tears started rolling down the eyes even during sleep. The next day
he disclosed this to the great tapasvin who reassured him that it was the indication of Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam and the following year after his paternal uncle passed away he was initiated by Sri Mahasannidhanam.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 10, 2019 Episode 13

Narrated by: Mahalakshmi, Mumbai

This incident took place when an ardent devotee had gone to Kashi to perform Gaya Srardham to her Father in law.

Upon reaching Varanasi she saw huge hoardings and realised that our Mahasannidhanam was camping there.
The couple rushed to the place where HH was camping.
Upon seeing the devotee, Sri Krishnamurthy was delighted as they wanted someone to do the mangala Arati and welcome our Gurunathar.
She quickly changed into her traditional18 yards and had the utmost blessing to welcome Acharyal.
Sri. Krishnamoorthy asked her to sit there and spoke to her and assured her that she was there to receive Guru's Anugrahams in abundance.
On the following day, the couple were rushing for an extreme early morning Ganga snanam and HH graced them enroute to the holy Ganga.
Sri. Krishnamoorthy told her to usher quickly to witness the Kashi Viswanatha pooja performed by His Holiness
She was blessed to witness the entire pooja.
HH enquired about her stay and blessed her.
After 2 days they had to return to Mumbai, enroute to the airport they saw the huge pandal where bhaktas had arrived in thousands to seek our Gurunathar's blessings.
The devotee had been yearning to perform a pada poojai.
Unfortunately as they closed in near the venue they saw a board which mentioned that no pada pooja was being performed during this camp.
She was really sad but soon saw our Acharayal arrive in His car.
The crowd was too huge in number and everyone was enquiring for the paada poojai.
He sat down and beckoned everyone to be seated.
She was very far away from the main pandal and somehow yearned to perform the paada pooja.
Suddenly a devotee announced her name and she raised her hand not understanding why she was being called upon.
Our Gurunathar asked her to sit down and He told me to perform the paada pooja.
She was so pleasantly surprised with tears of joy.
She wondered what the kannikai would be and He instantly smiled and said ..."this paada poojai is performed by you with the Anugrahams of your mother Sharada Devi"
HH told the devotee that she didn't have to worry about the payment.
She was shivering as He looked at her with a radiant smile throughout the pooja.
Later HH gave her prasadam and told her to surrender to Sri Matha from then.
HH assured her that Jagadamba would hold her and her Son and that she must take Sringeri as her Maternal Home!!
Whatever life may offer she must take as Ambal's Anugrahams only.
She recounted this with tears in her eyes.

Sri Guro Pahimam
Parama Dhayalo Pahimam
Sringeri Jagadguru Pahimam
Sri Bharathi Theertha Pahimam
Sri Vidhusekhara Bharathi Pahimam
Date: 9th, December, 2019

Torana Ganapati

The Jagadgurus of Sringeri used to stay near the Shankaracharya temple in Sringeri. It is only after the 33rd Jagadguru, Sri Sacchidananda Shiva Abhinava Nṛusimha Bharati moved to the southern bank of the Tunga, have the succeeding Jagadgurus made Narasimhavanam their place of residence.

The 32nd Acharyal of the Peetham, Jagadguru Sri Vriddha Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji used to reside adjacent to the temple of Goddess Sharada. On one occasion, the Acharyal had a vision of the Ganapati when he was contemplating on resolving an issue in the Mutt affairs. He offered His prayer by offering a dhurva to the image of Lord Ganapati carved on the Torana of the door nearby, and the problem got resolved. Since then, the Ganapati has come to be worshipped as Torana Ganapati.

His disciple and the 33rd Acharyal of the Peetham, Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji used to offer his prayers and dhurva every day to Sri Torana Ganapati.

The succeeding, Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekara Bharati Mahaswamiji offered silver kavacha to Torana Ganapati. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Swamiji organized for the nitya puja. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Theertha Mahaswamiji got the reconstruction of the place and has offered a golden kavacha.

To this day, this unique shrine of Lord Ganesha still stands as testimony to the Acharyals’ prayer to the Lord to avert obstacles. It is customary for devotees and pilgrims visiting Sringeri, to first have darshan of Sri Torana Ganapati and only then proceed to have the darshan of Sri Sharada and the various deities and the Jagadguru.

The Padukas of Vriddha Narasimha Bharati have also been placed there for worship. Daily puja is offered to Lord Ganesha. He is very popular among the devotees, as a vara prasadi. He fulfills the wishes of the devotees.

Sri Gurubhyoh Namaha!!


Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 9,2019
Episode 12

Source: From the book Multifaceted of a Jeevan Mukta

“One night, when His Holiness Sri Sri Abhinava Vidhya Theertha Mahaswamigal was performing pūjā in Lucknow in January 1967 and
everybody was enjoying it, an intruder dashed into the place. On seeing him wearing a
coat, trousers and shoes, the guard tried to stop him. He simply brushed the sentry on
duty aside and sprang forward. As he neared the pūjā-maṇḍapa, several others
gathered around him and tried to prevent him from advancing further. Being a well-built
man, he overcame the opposition. His Holiness noticed this. He gestured to sishyas to let him
be. On being freed, he moved closer to the dais. His Holiness directed him to sit down. He
obeyed like an innocent child and squatted in Vajrāsana, with joined palms. He quietly
watched the pūjā with rapt attention. After finishing the pūjā, His Holiness asked the man to come the next day at eight
in the morning. He said, ‘His
Holiness is an embodiment
of compassion but the
people around are rude.
What am I to do if I am
treated by them in the
same way as today?’ His
Holiness understood his
predicament and advised
him to come wearing a
dhoti and an upper cloth.
“The next day, after finishing His morning āhnika, His Holiness told His attendant, ‘The
Sethji who was here yesterday will be coming to see me. Usher him in.’ Later, the person
came wearing a dhoti and a shawl, with sandal paste on his forehead as also vibhūti
and a ‘nāmam’! The Mutt attendants pleasantly surprised to behold him thus. He was taken to His
Holiness. After some time, he emerged, beaming.

“On his way back, he met a sishya and then asked him what brought him to His Holiness. He gave the following account:
“He was having a host of difficulties and was struggling to overcome them. One night he had an unusual dream. A sage with a brilliant and smiling countenance appeared in front
of him. On waking up, he wondered who that might be. After some days, when he was
in his shop, he accidently spotted a child carrying a large photograph. To his surprise,
he found that it was a photograph of the sage whom he had beheld in the dream.
On enquiry, he learnt that the photograph was that of the Jagadguru of Sringeri who
was then camping in the city. He was filled with joy and immediately rushed to have
darśana. His Holiness had
duly blessed him and infused new strength into him.”

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 8, 2019
Episode 11

This is another incident of our Mutt's Devotee

Narrated by: Ramakrishnan, Kallidaikurichi, Tamilnadu

Whenever our Acharyals visit Kallidaikurichi a town in Tamilnadu, this devotee had a privilege of doing Guru seva very near to our Gurus. But he didn't get a chance to visit the Holy Sringeri and have the Dharshan of Goddess Sharadamba till last year. He prayed sincerely to our Gurus to bless him to visit the Holy Sringeri. Atlast last year he was blessed to go there with his wife and children!!
Although it was pouring heavily that night, he and his family went there stayed for the night Chandramouleeswara pooja performed by HH Sri Sri Mahasannidanam. Next day with tears rolling down he had the Dharshan of the beautiful Sharadamba!! Did poojas and went to Narasimhavanam to perform padapooja and Bhikshavandanam, had the Dharshan of Their Holinesses took Mantrakshatai from Acharyal and got ready to leave to Horanadu Annapoorneswari temple. It was pouring again all the way he prayed to our Acharyals for their safe travel in the Ghat road. They were travelling slowly and after reaching Mangalore they heard that a bridge they crossed was overflowing with water and that nobody could cross the road after that for a while.

This shows sincere Guru Bhakthi can play wonders!!

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 7,2019
Episode 10

Source: Glory of the Guru
Compiled by Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Salem

Paduka Akshadai prasadam works wonders

A close friend of our Mutt devotee was very perturbed. Initially, when asked what was bothering her, she was very hesitant and on probing her little gently, she confided by saying that she had been waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone running around her house wearing anklets. Sometimes the sound was very near the doors and windows and sometimes it sounded as if it was moving away. She also mentioned that when she turned on the lights, the sounds receded.

One has heard many such stories from various people and is the common belief, that these are restless spirits who are stuck in this world unable to cross over to the other side and find peace.

The devotee sincerely believed that our Guru's mantrakshatai would solve her friend's problem. Telling her friend not to worry, she left her, looking very confused.
That night while the devotee was returning from her clinic, she felt the need to visit the friend, and give her the Mantrakshatai that she always carry with her which Sri Mahasannidanam gave her as prasadam. She would have waited till next morning but it was as if Acharyal was telling the devotee the need to go the friend's home immediately. The devotee drove straight to the friend's house and told her that she should sprinkle it near all the doors and windows, and left.
The next morning the friend called the devotee and told, that around midnight she heard a lot of noise all around the house. She panicked and turned on all the lights and that is when she remembered the sacred Mantrakshatai the devotee had given her. She went around the house and sprinkled it near all the doors and windows. As soon as she had done this, she noticed that sounds stopped and the footsteps receded. Since then the incidents did not happen.


Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 6, 2019

Episode 9

Source: Glory of the Guru

Compiled by Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Salem

Guru- the source of all prosperity

A small village in Tamilnadu is surrounded by few satellite villages. For the past several years, the village faced severe drought and the main village and the satellite villages were in deep distress. The residents wanted to remedy the situation but we're not aware of the expiatory rituals that needed to be performed.
At that time, a renowned scholar, who was well acquainted with Sringeri Mutt, lived in the main village. He suggested that they visit Sringeri to seek the blessings of HH Sri Sri Mahasannidanam and pursue His bidding in the matter. Accordingly, he lead a group of 25 villagers to Sringeri and informed HH about the situation and sought His advice. Acharyal meditated for few minutes and then said" while you have performed regular pooja and offering to Lord Rama, you have overlooked the pooja of Lord Shiv and Guru. There is a Samadhi of a Sanyasi near the Shiva temple. No pooja has beed performed there either. This is the root cause of all your miseries". HH also gave us the following guidance " The samadhi of the Sage must be worshipped in accordance with the month and day of his siddhi. Lord Shiva must be worshipped devoutly daily. Every July, water must be fetched from river Cauvery and after japa, you must perform poojas to all the deities." Addressing the scholar He said, "Being the eldest you must guide the next generation in the path of devotional service. If you follow this meticulously, you will feel relief in a few days and prosperity will gradually be restored".
In the last few years, the devotees have earnestly followed the advice of Acharyal. Temples of Lord Shiva, Lord Muruga and Goddess Mariamman that had hitherto remained unopened are offered worship twice a day. Owing to His blessings, agricultural activities are in full swing, with the fields yielding crops thrice a year. The farmers are happy and doing well. Owing to the improved fortunes of the village, regular bus facilities and educational institutions have commenced. The village attained prosperity. This turnaround inbthe village's fortunes is entirely due to Acharyal's Grace and the power of His command.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!
December 5, 2019
Episode 7
Source: Glory of the Guru
Compiled by
Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Salem

Extraordinary Exculpation

A person who owns a diagnostic laboratory, had acquired a land to construct a house. Despite much efforts, there were several obstacles in constructing the house. So the person consulted a devotee of our Mutt known to him and was given a portrait of HH Sri Sri Mahasannidanam to receive Acharyal's grace. Due to lot of work the person completely forgot about HH picture and the construction got delayed further. One day this person's wife found HH portrait and got reminded of the devotee's advice. Immediately they placed Sri Sri Mahasannidanam's potrait in their pooja room and started to offer sincere prayers. Within very few days, miraculously, all their hurdles got disappeared and construction work were in full swing. The couple were amazed by HH's grace for they never had Dharshan of Sringeri Acharyals so did their ancestors yet they were blessed by Acharyal.
Finally their house was fully constructed which coincide with Acharyal's Vijaya Yatra to their town.
Out of His infinite compassion, Acharyal visited their home and blessed the couple!

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Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

December 1,2019
Episode 6

Source: Glory of The Guru

The Miraculous Boon of Life

Once, a devotee's Mother was very much ill and was admitted in a Hospital. The medical reports indicated that she had both lung kidney failure besides Cardio weakness. The doctors continued to administer treatment and medications but told the family members of the devotee that recovery would be close to impossible and anything can be told only after 48 hours. They urged the family to inform all their relatives. The devotee's Brother flew from overseas to be with the family. The devotee called on the private secretary Sri Dhakshinamoorthy at Sringeri and asked him to explain the situation of the his Mother to HH Sri Sri Mahasannidanam and to bestow the boon of life. Within half hour of the call, the devotee's Mother showed signs of improvement her lungs and kidney started functioning perfectly!!
The doctors admitted that this was nothing short of a modern day miracle!!!

Our Guru, the effulgent sun who effaces the darkness of disease and suffering of His devotees!!

"Sri Guro Pahimam
Parama Dhayalo Pahimam
Sringeri Jagadguru Pahimam
Sri Bharathi Theertha Pahimam
Sri Vidhusekhara Bharathi Pahimam"

Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

November 30,2019
Episode 5

Black magic effects cured by a glance of HH Sri Sri Mahasannidanam

A businessman who is into transport business also owns few tankers. Despite the competitive nature of this business, this person was doing well. One of his competitors practiced some black magic to destroy this person's business. Over the next few years all his trucks were involved in major accidents. The black magic was so strong that something prevented this person from going to Sringeri to have the Dharshan of HH. When he finally managed to make the trip his car tyre got punctured twice but somehow managed to reach the Guru's Abode by night after the night Chandramouleeswara Pooja performed by HH. Acharyal was about to leave the Dias. Somehow he managed to catch the glimpse of Sri Sri Mahasannidanam who stopped to bless this devotee, and he narrated the issues and sought the blessings of Acharyal for his protection.
Acharyal said, "now that you have come here, everything will be alright."
The devotee's problems went away immediately after the Dharshan of Sri Sri Mahasannidanam and he regained all his lost business.

This shows very clearly, how Guru's one glance is enough to deal with even the strongest of black magic.
Sri Gurubhyo Namah!

November29, Episode 4

Guru, The Supreme Rescuer

A Devotee, who is an investment consultant was subjected to a startling and dangerous experience. He was the investment consultant to a senior official in Tamil Nadu.

Due to market fluctuations, he sustained losses in his investments. The person assured him that they would recoup his losses in the future but the officer was not convinced. The
Officer blamed the devotee for his losses and misused his authority to initiate police
investigations. The police authorities who investigated the matter realized that the
person was not at fault and told him that no proceedings could be initiated against the
devotee. This angered the Officer further and he was determined to hold the person
accountable for his losses. The Officer hired the services of a notorious rowdy in Chennai to threaten and recover money from the devotee. The rowdy came to the office
with his six of his henchmen and took the cheque book and kidnapped the devotee. He
was shoved inside the rowdy’s car along with his henchmen each of whom carried fire
arms and weapons. Realizing the situation, the devotee surrendered to HH Sri
Mahasanidhanam and started chanting the life saving mantra “Sri Guro Pahimam” all
the way.

Upon reaching the destination, the rowdy wasted no time. He whipped out his revolver
and pressed it against the person’s forehead and asked to write a blank cheque for Rs.
20,00,000 and sign it. The rowdy threatened the devotee like unless he sign the
cheque he will not go alive out of the place. The person got married just six months
back then and although under stress, he was not worried due to the firm belief in HH
Sri Mahasanidhanam! He therefore reconciled to signing the cheque as demanded as to
escape from them.
Suddenly the devotee felt as if HH Sri Sri Mahasanidhanam was directing him to put a date
after October 1st in the cheque leaf. He did as directed by HH and handed over the
cheque to the rowdy and the person was allowed to go out. He was concerned as how
to raise such a huge amount. During the morning pooja a thought flashed his
consciousness that if he surrenders to HH he would get a solution to this problem. The Devotee left to Sringeri with the objective of having Dharshan of HH the next day when the most miraculous event occurred.
The same evening when the devotee left to Sringeri, that rowdy was shot dead in an encounter with the police near Adayar, Chennai! The devotee learnt of this through newspaper enroute to Sringeri from Mangalore the next morning. The predicament, for which the devotee was desparately seeking a solution, thus got resolved by HH Grace even before he went to have dharshan of Sri Sri Mahasannidanam! He reached the Guru's Abode with tears rolling down and told HH about the entire story. Sri Sri Mahasannidanam, who is the very embodiment of compassion, who never forsakes those who take refuge in Him, listened to what the devotee had to say,and said calmly,
"It is Goddess Sharadamba who has performed this miracle and saved you from great danger. I bless you that such incidents will not reoccur".
By HH Grace, the devotee and his family living in Chennai with all comforts.

"Sharade Pahimam
Sankara Rakshamam"

"Sri Guro Pahimam
Parama Dhayalo Pahimam
Sringeri Jagadguru Pahimam
Sri Bharathi Theertha Pahimam
Sri Vidhusekhara Bharathi Pahimam"

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