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Hello 👋, in case you missed the announcement. Here it’s one more time.
Hello 👋, if you missed out on admissions previously. Here’s another window of opportunity.
Important Announcement for web dev aspirants:
Admissions are open for neoG Camp 2023 batch. Make your portfolio submissions soon.
Admissions are open for neoG Camp 2023 batch. Make your portfolio submissions soon.
Admissions are open again. Signup to the admission portal and submit your portfolio soon. Visit the official website (https://neog.camp) for more information.
Admissions for neoG Camp 2023 batch are open now.
There’s been a lot of talk around building your personal brand. But all these social media experts tell you is to create content and publish mindlessly.
This video gives you something different. Something that has worked for me.
Do not forget to subscribe the channel.
This video gives you something different. Something that has worked for me.
Do not forget to subscribe the channel.
Hey folks, starting a non programming YT channel from today.
First video out today.
Can I expect some likes, comments and share with your friends?
First video out today.
Can I expect some likes, comments and share with your friends?
Important announcement: If you or someone you know is looking for a dev job, roc8's next cohort is opening now. All deadlines and related information can be found on the website https://roc8.careers/apply
We have some amazing startups waiting for you. Complete your projects and apply.
We have some amazing startups waiting for you. Complete your projects and apply.
Let’s have evening tea together? 5PM. Just causal chat. Nothing special.
Hello, if you have subscribed to the newsletter, you are welcome to be the early user for the productivity book.
Do tweet your review: good or bad. Will help improve.
Do tweet your review: good or bad. Will help improve.
Hello! I'll be live on Instagram in 30 minutes. Come say hi if you can. No agenda. Just casual chats.
Hey, I’m literally giving away a kindle if you guess this person right.
Latest letter on how to convince your parents on joining startups.
BTW, if you’re missing it in your inbox then reply to the mail and mark it important. It will start landing in Primary.
BTW, if you’re missing it in your inbox then reply to the mail and mark it important. It will start landing in Primary.
If you want to see the ugly side of IT Service bonds. See here.
Chatting live now.
Chatting live now.
Bonds are evil. Well, mostly. But there could be exceptions. So let's talk about bonds tomorrow at 11AM.
Come share your experiences, and I will try to help, but mostly understand and listen how bonds have affected your career.
Where? On our newsletter site, we are going to try a new feature called threads. You will get the thread invitation in your inbox if you're a subscriber.
if not, subscribe here https://letters.tanaypratap.com
Bonds are evil. Well, mostly. But there could be exceptions. So let's talk about bonds tomorrow at 11AM.
Come share your experiences, and I will try to help, but mostly understand and listen how bonds have affected your career.
Where? On our newsletter site, we are going to try a new feature called threads. You will get the thread invitation in your inbox if you're a subscriber.
if not, subscribe here https://letters.tanaypratap.com
How to win interviews?
50% of clearing an interview is about confidence and clearly communicating your idea.
Mock interview helps you build that confidence. It’s all about practicing. As a side effect you end up making a lot of friends.
We have built a tool where first timers from community can practice giving live interviews.
The guide to do it right has landed in your inbox. I hope you have subscribed to https://letters.neog.camp. If not, go and read it there and don’t forget to subscribe.
50% of clearing an interview is about confidence and clearly communicating your idea.
Mock interview helps you build that confidence. It’s all about practicing. As a side effect you end up making a lot of friends.
We have built a tool where first timers from community can practice giving live interviews.
The guide to do it right has landed in your inbox. I hope you have subscribed to https://letters.neog.camp. If not, go and read it there and don’t forget to subscribe.
Struggling with topics to write blogs? Here’s something that can help you. A blog idea generator.
In 20 minutes, I’ll be live on my YT channel. Just to tell you why you shouldn’t be doing DevOps?
Tune in. https://youtu.be/eh19A8MsOHc
Tune in. https://youtu.be/eh19A8MsOHc