TronLink Official Group
🏆Serves over 90% of all TRON users. Biggest player in TRON ecosystem regarding wallet products.
🏆Works closely with TRON mainnet team. Immediate upgrade and fix actions. Secure assets.
🏆Includes all TRON DApps and functions.
Related Channels & Groups

TRON is dedicated to building the infrastructure for a decentralized internet. The National Blockchain for Dominica. – Our Admins will never PM/DM! – Official website: tron.network | trondao.org

LBank Official Group
Please recognize LBank’s official TG group, all others are fake! ⚠️Anyone who DM you to help solve your problem is a scammer! Official CM : @CryPto2k56 @cryptok5555 LBank Official Channel: @LBanknews LBank X: https://twitter.com/LBank_Exchange

BiHelix Group
💡 BiHelix is a smart contract network ecosystem composed of a bunch of RGB super-nodes connected to the Lightning Network. 🤝 Investors/Backers: Waterdrip Capital, Satoshi Lab, LK Venture, Candaq Fintech Group and more. 🌐 https://linktr.ee/bihelix

WeSendit.io🇺🇸(Official Group 🇺🇸 🇬🇧🇦🇺)
WeSendit is the world’s first file transfer service specialising in anonymous data transfer and decentralised storage solutions. 🚀 Website: https://wesendit.io https://linktr.ee/wesendit