X01BD Files
This channel used in order to collect all Files i.e Patch, Kernel, Mod, Gcam, etc
Recent Posts
Kamera Google: 8.4.300
Android: 10+
Versi: V2.2 | Forsythia
Status: Stabil
- Menambahkan pengurangan noise baru ke pengaturan libpatcher.
- Menambahkan pilihan frame ZSL untuk HRR. Terima kasih Hasli.
- Memperbaiki ton panas pada perangkat Redmi 7 dan Pixel.
Google Camera: 8.4.300
Androids: 10+
Version: V2.2 | Forsythia
Status: Stable
- Added new noise reduction to libpatcher settings.
- Added ZSL frame option for HRR. Thank you Hasli.
- Fixed tons of heat on Redmi 7 and Pixel devices.
By: @modern_parrot
Android: 10+
Versi: V2.2 | Forsythia
Status: Stabil
- Menambahkan pengurangan noise baru ke pengaturan libpatcher.
- Menambahkan pilihan frame ZSL untuk HRR. Terima kasih Hasli.
- Memperbaiki ton panas pada perangkat Redmi 7 dan Pixel.
Google Camera: 8.4.300
Androids: 10+
Version: V2.2 | Forsythia
Status: Stable
- Added new noise reduction to libpatcher settings.
- Added ZSL frame option for HRR. Thank you Hasli.
- Fixed tons of heat on Redmi 7 and Pixel devices.
By: @modern_parrot
Better QS • By TeamFiles
This module will make modifications in QS while you use your device in landscape mode. This new QS will be better than ever as you will be able to read and get your notifications on the right side. On the left side you will have your QS Toggles
• Magisk latest stable
• Flash in magisk & reboot device
Note: We tested this on Android 13 custom roms. We don't know if it will work on Android 12. So Test at your own risk on Android 12
Better QS Oleh TeamFiles
Modul ini akan melakukan modifikasi pada QS saat Anda menggunakan perangkat dalam mode lanskap. QS baru ini akan lebih baik dari sebelumnya karena Anda dapat membaca dan mendapatkan notifikasi di sisi kanan. Di sisi kiri Anda akan memiliki QS Toggles
• Magisk stabil terbaru
• Flash di perangkat magisk & reboot
Catatan: Kami menguji ini pada ROM kustom Android 13. Kami tidak tahu apakah ini akan berfungsi di Android 12. Jadi, uji risiko Anda sendiri di Android 12
By @itsHanibee
This module will make modifications in QS while you use your device in landscape mode. This new QS will be better than ever as you will be able to read and get your notifications on the right side. On the left side you will have your QS Toggles
• Magisk latest stable
• Flash in magisk & reboot device
Note: We tested this on Android 13 custom roms. We don't know if it will work on Android 12. So Test at your own risk on Android 12
Better QS Oleh TeamFiles
Modul ini akan melakukan modifikasi pada QS saat Anda menggunakan perangkat dalam mode lanskap. QS baru ini akan lebih baik dari sebelumnya karena Anda dapat membaca dan mendapatkan notifikasi di sisi kanan. Di sisi kiri Anda akan memiliki QS Toggles
• Magisk stabil terbaru
• Flash di perangkat magisk & reboot
Catatan: Kami menguji ini pada ROM kustom Android 13. Kami tidak tahu apakah ini akan berfungsi di Android 12. Jadi, uji risiko Anda sendiri di Android 12
By @itsHanibee
GCam Parrot
Magisk v25.2 (25200)
Magisk Stable
Magisk is a suite of open source software for customizing Android, supporting devices higher than Android 5.0.
Translation: en-id
Magisk v25.2 (25200)
Magisk Stabil
Magisk adalah rangkaian perangkat lunak sumber terbuka untuk menyesuaikan Android, mendukung perangkat yang lebih tinggi dari Android 5.0.
Magisk Stable
Magisk is a suite of open source software for customizing Android, supporting devices higher than Android 5.0.
Translation: en-id
Magisk v25.2 (25200)
Magisk Stabil
Magisk adalah rangkaian perangkat lunak sumber terbuka untuk menyesuaikan Android, mendukung perangkat yang lebih tinggi dari Android 5.0.
Android 10+
⚠️ There is NO configuration option (Cfg, XML, Configs) in this version.
❗️Additional modules are not yet in this version.
Translation: en-id
⚠️ Android 10+
️TIDAK ADA opsi konfigurasi (Cfg, XML, Configs) dalam versi ini.
❗️️Modul tambahan belum ada dalam versi ini.
⚠️ There is NO configuration option (Cfg, XML, Configs) in this version.
❗️Additional modules are not yet in this version.
Translation: en-id
⚠️ Android 10+
️TIDAK ADA opsi konfigurasi (Cfg, XML, Configs) dalam versi ini.
❗️️Modul tambahan belum ada dalam versi ini.
📌ViperFX (ViPER4Android) v2.3
- Add presets, kernel and profile files
- Improved loading logic for convolution files (from v2.7.2.1)
- Fix load presets from version 2.7.2.x
- Try fix popup camera not open in some devices
- Optimized app
Note: It does not require any additional modules (AC, AML). Just flash and enjoy!
Translation: en-id
📌 ViperFX (ViPER4Android) v2.3
- Tambahkan file preset, kernel dan profil
- Peningkatan logika pemuatan untuk file konvolusi (dari v2.7.2.1)
- Perbaiki preset pemuatan dari versi 2.7.2.x
- Coba perbaiki kamera popup tidak terbuka di beberapa perangkat
- Aplikasi yang dioptimalkan
Catatan: Tidak memerlukan modul tambahan (AC, AML). Cukup flash dan nikmatilah!
Oleh: @WSTxda
- Add presets, kernel and profile files
- Improved loading logic for convolution files (from v2.7.2.1)
- Fix load presets from version 2.7.2.x
- Try fix popup camera not open in some devices
- Optimized app
Note: It does not require any additional modules (AC, AML). Just flash and enjoy!
Translation: en-id
📌 ViperFX (ViPER4Android) v2.3
- Tambahkan file preset, kernel dan profil
- Peningkatan logika pemuatan untuk file konvolusi (dari v2.7.2.1)
- Perbaiki preset pemuatan dari versi 2.7.2.x
- Coba perbaiki kamera popup tidak terbuka di beberapa perangkat
- Aplikasi yang dioptimalkan
Catatan: Tidak memerlukan modul tambahan (AC, AML). Cukup flash dan nikmatilah!
Oleh: @WSTxda
📌Magisk v22.1
- Changelog
Just rename the extension from .apk to .zip if you want to flash this in recovery, as this is now both an app and a flashable zip.
Translation: en-id
Cukup ganti nama ekstensi dari .apk menjadi .zip jika Anda ingin mem-flash ini dalam pemulihan, karena sekarang ini adalah aplikasi dan zip yang dapat di-flash.
- Changelog
Just rename the extension from .apk to .zip if you want to flash this in recovery, as this is now both an app and a flashable zip.
Translation: en-id
Cukup ganti nama ekstensi dari .apk menjadi .zip jika Anda ingin mem-flash ini dalam pemulihan, karena sekarang ini adalah aplikasi dan zip yang dapat di-flash.
📌Magisk Stable v22.0
- Changelog
- Changelog
reduce screen shading
📌Magisk v21.3
For Android 10 - 11
For Android 10 - 11
📌Magisk Manager v8.0.6
Universal SafetyNet Fix v1.1.0
This is a Magisk module that fixes SafetyNet on devices with hardware attestation and unlocked bootloaders. It defeats both hardware attestation and the new CTS profile updates, without any changes to device or model names, as long as you can pass basic attestation (i.e. fingerprints). No device-specific features (such as the Pixel-exclusive Google Assistant design) will be lost.
MagiskHide is required if rooted.
Compatible with all Android 8.0–11 ROMs based on AOSP. Heavy OEM skins are not supported.
Changes since v1.0.0: works on many more devices, increased chances of passing SafetyNet on stock ROMs and older devices, support for Android 8, 9, and 10
Source code
Support group
Please consider donating for sustainable support or buying me a coffee if this helped you. Thank you for your support!
This is a Magisk module that fixes SafetyNet on devices with hardware attestation and unlocked bootloaders. It defeats both hardware attestation and the new CTS profile updates, without any changes to device or model names, as long as you can pass basic attestation (i.e. fingerprints). No device-specific features (such as the Pixel-exclusive Google Assistant design) will be lost.
MagiskHide is required if rooted.
Compatible with all Android 8.0–11 ROMs based on AOSP. Heavy OEM skins are not supported.
Changes since v1.0.0: works on many more devices, increased chances of passing SafetyNet on stock ROMs and older devices, support for Android 8, 9, and 10
Source code
Support group
Please consider donating for sustainable support or buying me a coffee if this helped you. Thank you for your support!
📌UI Lag Fix
Reduce UI lag by disabling certain effects
Mengurangi kelambatan UI dengan menonaktifkan efek tertentu
📝 Work fine for R (A11)
Reduce UI lag by disabling certain effects
Mengurangi kelambatan UI dengan menonaktifkan efek tertentu
📝 Work fine for R (A11)
G-Visual Mod 3.0
Magisk Module
Build Release:12/18/2020
Customize your Android's Visual!
What this module do:
- Change UI Roundyness
- Change pill thickness and/or width
- Change pill color (DualTone & DualColor available)
- Change pill transparency (with Immersive mode enabled)
- Enable Immersive or Fullscreen mode
- Change statusbar height
- Fix MIUI bottom margin
- Enable NotchKiller (Fullscreen apps)
- Android 11+ support
- Completely rewrite script
- Added: color, pill width landscape options
- Added: transparency options
- Added: radius iconshape option
- Added: keyboard bottom bar height adjusted based on pill thickness
- Fixed: Immersive on MIUI & AOSP
- Fixed: Lag and heating issue possibly
Known Issues:
- Immersive mode and Pill Transparency wont work on OxygenOS!
- UI Radius Mod wont work on MIUI 12!
- Not all rom support UI radius iconshape option!
- Channel
- Support Group
- Saweria Ovo, Gopay, Dana (Indonesia)
- Paypal (Global)
Magisk Module
Build Release:12/18/2020
Customize your Android's Visual!
What this module do:
- Change UI Roundyness
- Change pill thickness and/or width
- Change pill color (DualTone & DualColor available)
- Change pill transparency (with Immersive mode enabled)
- Enable Immersive or Fullscreen mode
- Change statusbar height
- Fix MIUI bottom margin
- Enable NotchKiller (Fullscreen apps)
- Android 11+ support
- Completely rewrite script
- Added: color, pill width landscape options
- Added: transparency options
- Added: radius iconshape option
- Added: keyboard bottom bar height adjusted based on pill thickness
- Fixed: Immersive on MIUI & AOSP
- Fixed: Lag and heating issue possibly
Known Issues:
- Immersive mode and Pill Transparency wont work on OxygenOS!
- UI Radius Mod wont work on MIUI 12!
- Not all rom support UI radius iconshape option!
- Channel
- Support Group
- Saweria Ovo, Gopay, Dana (Indonesia)
- Paypal (Global)
GCam Parrot
Versi: 7.6.008 | V9
Android 10+
By: @modern_parrot
Versi: 7.6.008 | V9
Android 10+
By: @modern_parrot
X01BD Files pinned a file
Asus File Manager -
For Android 6.0 or above
Credits: @AyraProject
For Android 6.0 or above
Credits: @AyraProject
Asus Weather -
For Android 10+ only
Credits: @AyraProject
For Android 10+ only
Credits: @AyraProject
▪️ For ASUS Max Pro M2 (X01BD)
• Flash only on Android 11 (R) ROMs with November Security Patch otherwise bootloop.
• Take full recovery (nandroid) backup before flashing. Just in case if it bootloops then you can restore your backup.
• After flashing this boot.img your Magisk will be gone. So, re-flash Magisk zip.
Translation: en-id
▪️ Untuk ASUS Max Pro M2 (X01BD)
• Flash hanya pada ROM Android 11 (R) dengan Patch Keamanan November jika tidak bootloop.
• Ambil cadangan pemulihan penuh (nandroid) sebelum mem-flash. Untuk berjaga-jaga jika bootloop maka Anda dapat memulihkan cadangan Anda.
• Setelah menginstal boot.img ini, Magisk Anda akan hilang. Jadi, flash ulang zip Magisk.
Oleh: @Rk585
• Flash only on Android 11 (R) ROMs with November Security Patch otherwise bootloop.
• Take full recovery (nandroid) backup before flashing. Just in case if it bootloops then you can restore your backup.
• After flashing this boot.img your Magisk will be gone. So, re-flash Magisk zip.
Translation: en-id
▪️ Untuk ASUS Max Pro M2 (X01BD)
• Flash hanya pada ROM Android 11 (R) dengan Patch Keamanan November jika tidak bootloop.
• Ambil cadangan pemulihan penuh (nandroid) sebelum mem-flash. Untuk berjaga-jaga jika bootloop maka Anda dapat memulihkan cadangan Anda.
• Setelah menginstal boot.img ini, Magisk Anda akan hilang. Jadi, flash ulang zip Magisk.
Oleh: @Rk585