yt’s tea room 🍰 🫖

homemaking. catholicism. some random vegetables and fruits. casual racism, dogmatic antisemitism, and a little bit of downtempo when i’m in the mood.

#touchgrass #homeschooling

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Neat little project
What a little sweetheart. 😍
Last oregano of the year. I will definitely be growing some again next year — very little work required and you get so much. I’ll be hang drying these for the next few weeks and then pulverizing them.
Love these shoes
Walter Wick working on I Spy books
Walter Wick working on I Spy books
Thanks, hun. And congrats on 4k subscribers, yay!
Thank you for 4k! Check out my friend’s channels❤️ Handwolven The Witch Mother Hand of Hulda Ytstearoom Saxon Enjoyers Historical New England Bloodlines Films and TV for kids - 14 words edition The New Saxon Times Nutrivore, paleo, primal White Kindred…
Thank you for 4k! Check out my friend’s channels❤️
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Hand of Hulda
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Films and TV for kids - 14 words edition
The New Saxon Times
Nutrivore, paleo, primal
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Catholic White Girl Things
Always a good day when new life is born! 7 healthy rabbit kits for this litter. ❤️
This is something that I genuinely wish men understood or were taught more. That there is a reason why women are considered the fairer and weaker (sometimes just in physical strength) sex and we were traditionally treated with a certain way positively.

To add a Catholic perspective, there are periods of abstinence that a married couple is encouraged to engage in such as during the time of Lent. Of course, in today's climate that likely does not happen perfectly because we are dealing with two people's desires for one another.

Other times that abstinence would be beneficial to occur would be after the wife gives birth. It takes at least six weeks for a woman to heal from the inside, from giving birth. Doctors recommend waiting at least six weeks before engaging in any sexual act.

Sex is mutual act of giving to one another and some women will be sensitive to what THEIR PARTNER ingests or does such as smoking! Yes! There are women that are incredibly sensitive.
This past July marked the beginning of my serious attempts at food preservation. Of course I'd frozen foods before, but that's pretty straightforward and the obvious downside is that a freezer requires power. Overall, I'm happy with what I was able to accomplish. Multiple jars were steam canned (some have been eaten already, couldn't wait very long haha, plus some more tomatoes will be processed this weekend), plenty of food was frozen, and lots of herbs were air dried. The biggest lesson I learned this summer is that I don't have to grow something myself to can it. This led me to realize that given the amount of land we have and how shaded much of it is, it is a better use of my time and energy to focus on growing just a couple crops and procuring the rest in bulk (at low cost) from local farms, orchards, etc.

I still enjoy gardening, but it is more cost and space effective for me to get many fruits and vegetables from others and then preserve them. I do plan to continue growing my own herbs and cucumbers next year, but I'm going to switch my focus more toward making our backyard look beautiful and feel like an oasis rather than it being strictly functional. We will also be looking more into using the space we do have to raise meat rabbits.
From Scratch: Rejecting Poison Foodstuffs

Myths About Cooking from Scratch:
-takes special talent
-time consuming

Truths About Cooking from Scratch include:
-cooking from scratch is just about the only way to avoid poisoning yourself with prepared foods from the grocery store

—commercial bread: soybean and/or canola oil, plus preservatives (The longer the shelf life, the shorter your own life.)
—homemade bread: flour, olive oil, yeast
— putting a few ingredients in a machine
— 10 lbs of good quality flour for $8 will make 9 loaves of bread. NINE loaves.

(A note on bread machines — fb marketplace and thrift stores are replete with nearly new bread machines. I have one that I paid $10 for. (You can buy the one I have on Amazon new for $99.)

What are foods that you make from scratch which shock you how much better, easier, or less expensive they are to make than to buy?
I don’t think I’ve ever been so nostalgic over a random picture as this one is making me.
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